Number of articles: 38

The Holy Archangels

On 29 September, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. An account of how St. Josemaria came to choose them as patrons of Opus Dei and other resources for this feast.


What is apostolate? Who are today's apostles?

The Greek word "apostoloi" means “sent.” It refers to Christ's call to the disciples to continue his own mission: proclaiming the kingdom of God throughout the world.

Free eBook: “I have called you friends: Friendship, a gift from God to light up the earth”

In the light of a pastoral letter of Mgr Fernando Ocáriz on friendship (November 1, 2019), we offer a free eBook with some texts to invite us to discover and share one of the great treasures that Jesus continues to offer to the apostles of today.

Christian Life

Apostles in the Middle of the World: A Sense of Mission (With Audio)

"The dynamic force at work in the apostolate is charity, which is a gift from God, and in a Christian, in a child of God, friendship and charity are one and the same thing."

Beloved, Called, Sent Out: A Sense of Mission (With Audio)

"If we let ourselves be led by God’s Love, if we stay attentive to his inspirations and take notice of his small suggestions, the apostolate will become a 'way of life' that configures our own identity."

Something Great That Is Love (IX): We are apostles!

Apostolate for a Christian is not simply a “task” or an activity that takes up certain hours every day. It is a need that stems from a heart that has become “one body, one spirit in Christ.”

God's Open Heart: Mercy and Apostolate

"We need to let God, who lives in us, love through the heart of each one of us: loving with God’s love." An article written for the Jubilee of Mercy in the Church.

London, August 1958: You can’t, but I can!

The founder of Opus Dei first visited London in 1958. He stayed from the beginning of August to the middle of September. He returned in each of the following years until 1962. In 1958, he arrived on August 4 and the following day wrote on the back of a holy picture, ‘Sancta Maria, Sedes Sapientiae, filios tuos adiuva (Holy Mary, Seat of Wisdom, help your children); Oxford, Cambridge, 5-VIII-58. ’

Apostolate is to love other people

"Doing apostolate is a question of love" assures Bishop del Portillo in a get-together with Kenian families.


Apostolic Courage

Citing an encyclical of St. John Paul II, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo urges us to spread the Gospel message with "apostolic courage."
