Meditations: Saturday of the Third Week of Easter
Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this Easter season. The topics are: living the Word of God in our daily life; seeing ourselves in Jesus through Sacred Scripture; seeking, finding and loving Christ in the Gospel.
Meditations: Friday of the Third Week of Easter
Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this time of Easter. The topics are: the Eucharist divinizes us; sign of unity and bond of charity; uniting our daily life to the Mass.
Meditations: Thursday of the Third Week of Easter
Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this Easter season. The topics are: God the Father draws us to Jesus; asking for the Bread of Life; the Eucharist fills us with hope.
Meditations: Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter
Some reflections that can assist our prayer during these days of the Easter season. The topics are: we can go to Jesus throughout the day; God’s plan for us; asking God to help us do his will.
Meditations: Tuesday of the Third Week of Easter
Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this season of Easter. The topics are: Jesus is the true bread from heaven; the Eucharist, center and root of Christian life; putting care into the Mass and being Eucharistic souls.
Meditations: Monday of the Third Week of Easter
Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this season of Easter. The topics are: Jesus wants us to follow Him out of love; faith in Jesus enables us to carry out God’s works; living with the mind of Christ.
Meditations: Sunday of the Third Week of Easter (Year B)
Some reflections that can assist our prayer on this Sunday in Easter time.
Meditations: Saturday of the Second Week of Easter
Some reflections that can assist our prayer during these days of the Easter season.
Meditations: Friday of the Second Week of Easter
Some reflections that can assist our prayer during these days of the Easter season.
Meditations: Sunday of the Third Week of Easter (Year C)
Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this season of Easter.