Number of articles: 50

The Usefulness Trap

"To be useful, serve," Saint Josemaria wrote. What does that mean for Christians who want to make a difference in the world? How do we avoid the danger of perfectionism?

Saint Raphael

How do I know if God is calling me?

Below you'll find answers to some common questions about vocational discernment and finding the path God calls you to.

Saint Raphael

Why St. Raphael?

St. Josemaría saw the archangel St. Raphael as a guide for young people who are launching out on their own path in the world.

Saint Raphael

"Souls of prayer"

"We're called to be sowers of peace and joy," St. Josemaria reminded the first St. Raphael boys. That's what the formation Opus Dei offers is meant for.

Saint Raphael

The Vocation to Opus Dei Explained by Saint Josemaria

We're all called to be holy, but what does that mean, exactly? In this video, Saint Josemaria explains the call in his own words.

Saint Raphael

"Jesus, what do You want from me?"

What's it like to meet a saint? What difference did St. Josemaria make in the lives of the people around him? Lello Nappi (Italy), one of his friends, tries to answer these questions.

Saint Raphael

Conversion Stories

St. Paul "fell from his horse" in a dramatic conversion 20 centuries ago, and many of us have experienced dramatic wake-up calls in our own lives. Through the joy our friends share, moments of intense prayer, Christian formation, and even suffering... God is still calling each of us. Today. Now.

Saint Raphael

Traditional Means of Formation

The traditional means of formation are part of the "training plan" Opus Dei offers young people to help them seek, find, and love Christ. You adapt the plan to your personal needs and circumstances.

Saint Raphael

"Is this it?"

In the second installment of the "Conversions" series, Anna Riina (Finland) talks about her path from Lutheranism to Catholicism. What does it mean for God to be your "everything"?

Saint Raphael

"My life was a disaster"

In the third installment of the "Conversions" series, Vicent (Spain) talks about practicing the faith again after years of looking for happiness in places he didn't find it.

Saint Raphael