Number of articles: 186


Young people in the Work share their vocation stories, from the discernment process to their doubts, hesitations, dreams, and current projects. This is a trailer for a series of short personal testimonies.

Saint Raphael


Young people in the Work share their vocation stories, from the discernment process to their doubts, hesitations, dreams, and current projects. This is a trailer for a series of short personal testimonies.

Saint Raphael

A biography of St. Josemaría

Josemaría was a young person like any of us. He had a family and friends, dreams and doubts, fears and aspirations. When he took his faith more and more seriously, God showed him how he could improve the world and help others by being himself, with all his virtues and all his weaknesses.

Saint Raphael

A biography of St. Josemaría

Josemaría was a young person like any of us. He had a family and friends, dreams and doubts, fears and aspirations. When he took his faith more and more seriously, God showed him how he could improve the world and help others by being himself, with all his virtues and all his weaknesses.

Saint Raphael

Friendship: sharing, understanding, loving

"A Christian’s friendship desires the greatest happiness—a relationship with Jesus Christ—for those close to him or her." Key ideas from the Prelate of Opus Dei's letter on friendship (November 2019).

The World & I

Friendship: sharing, understanding, loving

"A Christian’s friendship desires the greatest happiness—a relationship with Jesus Christ—for those close to him or her." Key ideas from the Prelate of Opus Dei's letter on friendship (November 2019).

The World & I