Guadalupe Ortiz: Doctor in Chemical Sciences, Humanity and Holiness
An abridged version of an article that appeared as part of a series entitled "Historical Gallery of Illustrious University Women", in Valladolid, Spain.
Guadalupe: A Support on the Path to God
Guadalupe Ortiz was recently declared venerable by Pope Francis. We offer a summary of a press conference that was held for journalists, regarding Guadalupe and her fame for sanctity.
Guadalupe Ortiz Declared Venerable
This morning, Pope Francis authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to issue decrees relating to 12 canonization causes. Included among them is the decree proclaiming the heroic virtues of Guadalupe Ortiz (1916-1975), a faithful of Opus Dei.
Interview with the Postulator for Cause of Guadalupe Ortiz
Fr. Antonio Rodríguez de Rivera, postulator for Guadalupe's cause, answers some questions related to the promulgation of the decree on her heroic virtues.
Documentary: Guadalupe Ortiz
Ever since meeting Saint Josemaria in 1944, Guadalupe Ortiz decided to dedicate her life to a single project: seeking sanctity in the middle of the world. A Doctor in Chemistry, she discovered the adventure of the Christian life, and helped many others to do the same, through her work, and with faith and optimism.
A Birthmark on my Granddaughter’s Face
My granddaughter, Caroline, was born with birthmark on her face that covered her forehead, nose and upper lip.
Conflict with a Professor
In the first term of my last year at the university I had a bad time with one of the professors who contradicted everything I said in class.
A Hemorrhage Without Consequences
When it became impossible to do surgery, the doctors opted to leave it to nature, having a 50 percent chance that the hemorrhage would absorb naturally.