Number of articles: 169

Some Recent Favors of Don Alvaro

A hard-to-sell cow. Tensions in a polygamous family. A premature baby. These stories from Kenya represent a few of the many recent favors attributed to the intercession of Alvaro del Portillo.


Love for the Pope

In 1975, soon after being elected Prelate, Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo asked us to “increase our veneration and affection” for the Holy Father, and to work “untiringly in union with all the bishops who are in full communion with the Holy See.”


Free APP for Alvaro del Portillo’s Beatification in iOS and Android

A brief biography of his life, texts and hymns for the ceremony on September 27 in Madrid, transport information and maps of Madrid, GPS-marked sites related to his life, are some of the features of this new free App available in English.


"Learn how to forgive others"

In a get-together in Mexico in 1983, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo insists that we need to learn how to forgive others, so that God will forgive us.


"Exalted above all creatures"

August 15 is the feast of the Assumption of our Lady, who considered herself the least among the Lord’s poor, and finds herself crowned as Queen and Lady of the whole universe.


John Paul II and illness: God's caress

Bishop Alvaro recalls John Paul II’s hospital stay after the assassination attempt in 1981, and says that illness is a caress from God.


Interior life

Bishop del Portillo explains to a young deaf woman that sickness is an opportunity to have a deeper interior life.


Apostolate is to love other people

"Doing apostolate is a question of love" assures Bishop del Portillo in a get-together with Kenian families.


Africa's call

Why do many people visit Africa and then want to stay there? Alvaro del Portillo answers in this short video.


An Optimistic Apostolate

"Prayer is the lever that moves the Most Merciful Heart of our Saviour," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo assures us, in a Letter written in 1990.
