
1. The place

You can pray anywhere, but the best place is in front of a Tabernacle, where God is with us. "After dismissing the crowd, he went up on a mountain by himself to pray" (Mt 14:23).

2. The time

Pray for as much or as little time as you need. It's helpful to dedicate a certain time to prayer every day, so your relationship with God doesn't depend on your other plans, feelings, stress, etc. "Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find" (Mt 7:7).

3. Your recollection

Recollection is the first active step. It might help to put your plane in airplane mode and seek interior and exterior silence. Recollecting yourself is like turning your senses toward God and realizing that He see, hears, and cares for you. "When you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father" (Mt 6:1-6).

4. A beginning

Here's a prayer you can start with: "My Lord and my God, I firmly believe that you are here. I adore you with profound reverence. I ask your pardon for my sins and grace to make this time of prayer fruitful. My immaculate Mother, St. Joseph, my father and lord, my guardian angel: intercede for me."

God hears you and looks at you with love. He wants to spend time with you, and He wants you to stop for a few minutes to talk to Him.

And our Lady and St. Joseph, who know Jesus best, are ready to help you, along with your guardian angel, who knows all about how you're doing and what might help you.

5. Your turn

There are no perfect methods or airtight plans for prayer. You've got to do it by looking at God every day, listening to Him, and sharing what's in your heart.