Number of articles: 4623

Christmas Time: The Light of Bethlehem

A new article about the Liturgical year. "Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, is born to illuminate our path on earth. He shows us the Father’s loveable face and gives us the Holy Spirit."

Fostering Interior Life

Short video of the Prelate’s visit to London

Monsignor Fernando Ocariz completed yesterday his three-day visit to London, where he met many Opus Dei members and friends, and visited several educational and social projects they run.

From the Prelate

Christ Triumphs Through Humility

A homily by Saint Josemaria given on 24 December 1963, published in "Christ is Passing By."


Be ready to go against the current, Prelate tells young British Catholics

This requires firm convictions and a good knowledge of one’s faith.

From the Prelate

The Prelate of Opus Dei starts three day visit to Britain

Centre your life on Christ, Opus Dei Prelate tells members in London visit

From the Prelate

Saint Josemaria in the Persian Gulf (II): Life in Dubai

In addition to wars and the refugee crisis, a third element characterizing the migration to the Gulf countries in recent years has been job opportunities. Many foreigners - and in the case of Dubai, more than 70% - have settled there in search of new professional horizons.


"The beauty of faith comes from abandonment in God's hands"

Homily and gallery of photos from the Mass celebrated in Rome by the Prelate on the first anniversary of the death of Bishop Javier Echevarría, his predecessor at the head of Opus Dei.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

"Mary is all beautiful, younger than sin"

Angelus address of Pope Francis on December 8, feast of the Immaculate Conception. "Sin ages us, because it makes the heart sclerotic, it makes it inert. But she who is full of grace is empty of sin."

From the Church and the Pope

"In Spirit and Truth": Creating Unity of Life (I)

Unity of life is an essential feature of the spirit of Opus Dei. This article by Guillaume Derville, in 2 parts, explains what this means in practical terms.

Fostering Interior Life

Benedict XVI: "Teacher and friend of all those seeking the truth"

In an award ceremony for the 2017 Ratzinger Prize, Pope Francis highlighted Benedict XVI’s love for the truth. We offer our readers a free eBook with the main addresses of Benedict XVI on faith and reason, "two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth."

From the Church and the Pope