Number of articles: 14

One by One: Opus Dei Through Personal Stories

No two people are the same, nor are there any identical lives. Opus Dei is every person who embodies its charism, as the Prelate often reminds us. "One by One" is a mosaic of faces from around the world, telling the stories of their lives and their encounters with the Work.

Laura, Spain: "I was a numerary for 25 years. I don't consider those years to have been wasted"

Laura, a doctor in Barcelona, was a numerary member of Opus Dei for 25 years. In 2020, after a long process of reflection, she decided to leave the Work. "The overall experience was positive, without a doubt; I don't consider those years to have been wasted at all," she says, highlighting the formation she received, the people she met, and the way she learned to live the virtues naturally.

One by One

Heloiza, Brazil: "In gastronomy, I've found a way of serving and connecting with others"

Heloiza has been an assistant numerary of Opus Dei for 34 years. She was born in Lorena, but after her father was murdered in a robbery when she was 10 years old, her mother decided to move to São José dos Campos to be closer to her family. Her life has been marked by other painful events, including illness. She loves baking, and during the pandemic she started a business called "By Chef Helô." Her story is one of overcoming adversity.

One by One

“We encourage young people to discover and choose their own path”

Lidia Via has been working in the Regional Advisory of Opus Dei in Spain since 2019, overseeing activities with young people. In this interview, she talks about the formational activities carried out by the Prelature with young people and the support offered in the process of discerning any vocation to celibacy.

Recent News

The Silence of a Contemplative Soul: The Time of Afternoon and Night

The custom of focusing our time of work in the afternoon and our time of night can help us gather our senses and engage in a wordless dialogue with the Lord.

An Offering Pleasing to God: Morning Offering and "Serviam!"

Serving and glorifying God: these words encapsulate the saints’ aspirations. Each morning, when we wake, we have the opportunity to offer our entire day to the Lord, allowing this desire to guide our life.

Path to the Centenary (1): Vocation, mission, and charism

During this time of preparation for the centenary, which we have begun with regional assemblies, the Prelate invites us to reflect on Opus Dei’s identity, history, and mission. The purpose of this series is to delve deeper into the charism by focusing on one of its essential aspects: the sanctification of work. This first article explores the specific role of the Work within the Church and develops the concepts of vocation and mission in the context of ordinary life.

Rest for God’s Children: Annual Formational Workshops

A reflection on the rest, study, and fraternity that characterize the workshops organized for people of the Work during their vacations.

Making the Centre a Home (II)

Christian families are places where everyone lives and works for the others. Some missteps that can undermine this spirit, and ways to reawaken it.

Making the Centre a Home (I)

Open, bright, cheerful homes: this is what God wants. This is the first instalment of reflections on family life within the centres of Opus Dei.