Number of articles: 75
"Mary is the Surest Path to Contrition"
Our Lady "is the surest path to a cleansing contrition that presses us to Christ’s heart," writes Alvaro del Portillo in a 1992 letter.
What can I do to love our Lady?
St Joseph has a lot of influence with our Lady. He was her spouse, he is her spouse. He is the person who was closest to our Lady.
Mosaic of Mary, "Mater Ecclesiae"
In an article published in "L'Osservatore Romano," Javier Cotelo recounts how the mosaic dedicated to Mary, "Mother of the Church," came to be placed in St. Peter's square, in December 1981.
Commentary on the Gospel: Assumption of Our Lady
Gospel for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and commentary.
October 7: Our Lady of the Rosary
Gospel for the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, with commentary.