25 Years in Uganda: "I came to cast fire"
Some words written down on a piece of paper by Don Alvaro del Portillo for the late Edith Katama, who helped begin Opus Dei's apostolic work in Uganda.
"If I were to relive my life, I would do exactly what I did."
Silvano Borruso was one of the first members of Opus Dei that St. Josemaria sent to begin the Work in Kenya. He arrived in September of 1960 and passed away on Saturday 1st January 2022 after a long illness. This is an abridged interview from Strathmore School on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the beginning of Opus Dei.
If I were to relive my life, I would do exactly what I did
Silvano Borruso was one of the first members of Opus Dei that St. Josemaria sent to begin the Work in Kenya. He arrived in September of 1960 and passed away on Saturday 1st January 2022 after a long illness. He was interviewed by Strathmore School on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the beginning of Opus Dei.
Trapped by the Floods in Germany
“Move fast! You’re in danger. Put what you need for three days in a knapsack. We’ll come back for you in a few minutes.” José Santos. a Portuguese doctor, recounts his dramatic experience during the recent floods in Germany.
In Kenya: Conversion Amid the Pandemic
Njoki, a Cooperator of Opus Dei living in Kenya, talks about helping a friend to become a Catholic amid the ongoing pandemic.
Good Books for Lent and Holy Week
Here are some suggestions on books to read during Lent and Holy Week. With link to free eBook versions of some of these works.
My "Way"
Chezhiyan, a software development manager from Bengaluru, India, had to undergo a kidney transplant. He tells about the support he received from his wife and a book by Saint Josemaría Escrivá
Saint Raphael Meditation: The Gift of Time
A meditation (guided prayer) on the good use of God's gift of time.
Blessed Alvaro: Devotion Around the World
In this documentary, aired on a Kenyan TV station shortly before Don Alvaro del Portillo's beatification in 2014, we see how devotion to him has spread to many countries around the world..
Saint Raphael Meditation: Birthday of Our Lady
A meditation (guided prayer) on the Nativity of Our Lady, which the Church celebrates on 8 September.