Number of articles: 3

February 16, 1932: “Love means deeds – not sweet words”

This divine locution gave rise to n. 933 in ‘The Way’: "There is a story of a soul who, on saying to our Lord in prayer, ‘Jesus, I love you,’ heard this reply from heaven: ‘Love means deeds, not sweet words.’ "Think if you also could deserve this gentle reproach".

Footprints in the Snow

It may seem surprising that a little thing like some footprints in the snow was enough to make a teenager make the great decision to give his life to God. But that is the language God often uses to call people, and that is how generous souls who seek God sincerely are capable of responding, with faith.

Giving Oneself in Family Life

"Through the teachings of the Founder of Opus Dei, I have grasped an important idea: we can only be really useful to others if we have self-discipline, control over our actions and reactions; in other words, if we are acquiring human virtues."
