Number of articles: 44

The Christian Vocation

A homily given by St. Josemaria on 2 December 1951, the first Sunday of Advent.

What is Advent?

Advent is the liturgical season before Christmas, in which the Church prepares to celebrate Christ's birth. This article responds to some common questions about the origin, meaning, and customs of Advent.

Advent: Preparing the Way for the Lord

This Sunday is the beginning of Advent, a time to prepare for our Lord's arrival on Christmas. Some resources for drawing as much fruit as possible from this liturgical time.

Saint Raphael Meditation: Advent, a Time for Hope

A meditation (guided prayer) on the virtue of hope. Advent is a perfect time to develop the Christian virtue of hope, based on God's power and care for us.

Audio of Monsignor Ocáriz: "The Gift of a New Christmas"

A meditation by the Prelate of Opus Dei about the season of Advent and the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary Most Holy.

eBook: "The Time of God's Presence"

The free eBook “The Time of God’s Presence” can help us make good use of the riches of the liturgy throughout the upcoming year that starts on the first Sunday of Advent.

Christian Life

The Christian Vocation

A homily by Saint Josemaria published in "Christ is Passing By," given on 2 December 1961, first Sunday in Advent. Text and audio recording in English.


Advent: Preparing for the Lord's Coming

"Advent invites us to stop and be silent, to take in the presence of God." A new article on the liturgical year.

How to make an Advent Wreath

Instructions for making a simple Advent Wreath, to help the family prepare for Christmas.


“He has become Man to redeem us”

Marvel at God's magnanimity: he has become Man to redeem us, so that you and I - who are absolutely worthless, admit it! - may come to know him and trust him. (The Forge, 30)

Daily Texts