Number of articles: 389

“I discovered God little by little, through the affection of my friends”

When Fiona was born, her parents decided not to baptize her so that, when she was older, she should decide for herself. It was thanks to the example her friends that this came about.

Personal testimonies

Encounters with Amoris Laetitia

From today’s session, the greatest lesson I have learnt is that marriage can be defined as two imperfect people coming together to form a family, and counting on God’s help, refuse to give up on each other.

Personal testimonies

Meeting Love made Man

During the 75th anniversary year of Opus Dei coming to Britain we are posting a number of videos telling stories of lives changed by faith. "Meeting Love made Man” is the story of Julia, a supernumerary member of Opus Dei who lives in London.

Personal testimonies

God's Blessings on My Family

From Macau, Betty Lee talks about getting to know Opus Dei and how the formation she receives has brought her and her family closer to God.

Personal testimonies

Everyday help from St Joseph

As we celebrate the feast of St Joseph on 19 March, we remember his important role in caring for the Holy Family, as patron of the Universal Church and of workers, and his intercession that is felt by many people in everyday life.

Personal testimonies

Time for God and My Whole Family

Pedro, who lost his mother when he was five, studied architecture at the university. Now married and with 8 children, he talks about how he came to realize the need to put God first in his life, along with his whole family.

Personal testimonies

Five Children on Earth and Two in Heaven

Alejandro and Adriana, who live in Guadalajara, Mexico, tell us the story of their family, with its great sorrows, and even greater joys.

Personal testimonies

Retreat, Birthday, Feast Day

On March 17th afternoon we arrived at St Patrick’s Pastoral Center in Bungoma Diocese for an annual spiritual retreat. Excitement for me was on several levels...

Personal testimonies

"When I met Sofi"

During the 75th anniversary year of Opus Dei's arrival in Britain we will be posting a number of videos about people whose daily lives have been changed by their strengthened faith.

Personal testimonies

"No one falls in love and ever remains the same"

"No one falls in love and ever remains the same. It marks the beginning of a new era, an epoch of something beautiful. It is a watershed moment in our lives; soon we begin to speak in these terms; ‘before I met you’ and ‘after I met you’."

Personal testimonies