Number of articles: 389

"I lacked a lot of trust"

Anna Corry, a supernumerary member of Opus Dei, had many messages to pass on before she died of cancer on the 29th of March 2018, in Sydney, Australia.

Personal testimonies

Youth Speaking Out: "What do you seek?"

The Holy Father has said many times that he wants to listen to the voices of young people, and he invites them to speak without fear. "Youth Speaking Out" is a new video series, inspired by the upcoming Synod.

Personal testimonies

"Closer to God, more capable of acting as a priest should"

Fr. Steven John Szakaczki is a priest in Saint Lawrence Martyr Church, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.

Personal testimonies

“Once I put God first, all the rest falls into place”

Nina Lagdameo, married, 55 years old, talks about integrating a demanding professional career with raising three children.

Personal testimonies

Natasha and Viktoria: from Kazakhstan to Rome

Natasha, 17, and Viktoria, 18, made their First Holy Communion this year in Rome, but both of them discovered the Catholic faith in their native Kazakhstan.

Personal testimonies

Young Refugees Prepare for Baptism in Salzburg

In 2017, 860 adults were baptized in Austria, many of them refugees. This is the story of Dieter and some of his friends who are preparing for baptism this year, in Salzburg.

Personal testimonies

Back in the Sheepfold

"A good friend once told me a story about shepherds: they break the legs of sheep that stray from the fold." A conversion story from the Philippines.

Personal testimonies

"Putting music in its right place"

John, a professional musician in Canada, learned from Saint Josemaria that making a place for God in his life meant he could find the right place for his family and friends too, and sanctify his music.

Personal testimonies

"It is Worth While" - sixth video in series

Here is the story of Sole and Juampi, an Argentinian couple that shares the story of their married life together. "It is Worth While" is the last in a series of six videos that could serve as a resource for pre-marriage courses.

Personal testimonies

"The run of his life" – article published in "Aleteia"

Kyle Lang, a Princeton student, took part in a coast-to-coast run last summer to raise money for charity. He says that Saint Josemaria's writings on sanctifying ordinary life taught him to incorporate his faith into his sport.

Personal testimonies