Number of articles: 389

"Our faith united all of us"

Irvin and Lilly had 11 children. One died and another child, Maria Jose, was born with an incurable and apparently fatal disease. Then, six years ago, Lilly died from cancer. A new testimony about Opus Dei's apostolic work in Puerto Rico.

Personal testimonies

"Music is the most spiritual art"

Alvaro is a concert pianist in Brazil. He speaks about how the teachings of Saint Josemaria have helped him to contemplate God, the Fullness of Beauty, in his work.

Personal testimonies

"Our daughter lived for only three hours"

Four young couples in Portugal speak about their readiness to accept the children God sends them and the joy this brings to their family.

Personal testimonies

Marian: Bursting the Bubble

Marian from Puerto Rico says she grew up in a "bubble": between her family and her school, all her needs were always met. All of that changed after doing some community service at school. Motivated by Saint Josemaria's encouragement to foster a genuine concern for every person, she also wants to help others to see beyond their own immediate needs.

Personal testimonies

"Saint Josemaria blessed our marriage with both hands”

Natalia and Manuel, who live in Peru, recount how their marriage came about thanks to a book about Saint Josemaria's childhood in Barbastro.

Personal testimonies

Like the Parting of the Red Sea

Joseph Hyginus, a Sri Lankan supernumerary living in Canada, talks about immigrating to find better opportunities for his family, and how he found his vocation along the way.

Personal testimonies

Where God is "One More at the Table"

Paul has lived in Lebanon for the past few years, working for an NGO. A numerary of Opus Dei, he describes the apostolic work being done there as well as his personal impressions.

Personal testimonies

"Never give up: God can bring about good"

Antonio knows what it's like to fail. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he has had to change jobs and even his career a number of times. So when Antonio and his wife Tati talk about trusting God, it's not just a theory: it's an experience they've lived over and over again.

Personal testimonies

"Can we understand suffering?"

Christine works as a nutritionist in a hospital in Brazil. Her daily contact with people with chronic illnesses has led her to reflect more deeply on the meaning of suffering.

Personal testimonies

Finding the Catholic Faith in a New Family

Anastaçia was born in Kisii, Kenya, and after studying Psychology and Criminology, she travelled to Spain for an exchange program.

Personal testimonies