Number of articles: 814

Educating in the New Technologies

Technology shapes to a great extent our lives today. We need to be in control of it so that its use helps us grow in virtue.

Fostering Interior Life

Leisure and Free Time (2)

"In hallowing the Sabbath, in 'creating' the festive day, God has wanted to associate all men and women with his loving gaze upon the world." A new article in the series on the family and raising children.

Fostering Interior Life

Work and Contemplation (I)

What does St. Josemaría mean when he insists that our work can become contemplative prayer? A new article in the series on how to sanctify our daily work.

Fostering Interior Life

Work and Contemplation (II)

The second part of an article on how to turn our work and daily activities into contemplative prayer, following the teachings of St. Josemaría.

Fostering Interior Life

Temperance and Self-mastery (I)

"Have the courage to teach children austerity. If not, you won’t accomplish anything," St. Josemaria insisted. A new article in the series on the family, of which 5 are now available in English.

Fostering Interior Life

Guiding the Heart

"Guiding children’s emotions means helping bring it about that what they like coincides with their true good." A new article in the series on the family.

Fostering Interior Life

Educating in Freedom

"The task of raising children comes down to getting them to 'want' to do what is good, providing them with the intellectual and moral resources so that each one be able to do what is good from his or her own conviction."

Fostering Interior Life

Educating in Friendship

"Imposing things by force, in an authoritarian manner, is not the right way to teach. The ideal attitude of parents lies more in becoming their children’s friends."

Fostering Interior Life

The Family's Educational Mission (II)

The second part of an article on the parents' role in fostering a love for the true good in their children.

Fostering Interior Life

The Family's Educational Mission (I)

The self-sacrificing love of the parents generates in the family an atmosphere that facilitates their mission of leading their children to live the human and Christian virtues.

Fostering Interior Life