Number of articles: 103

Topic 16: I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting

By this truth we affirm the immortality to which mankind is destined; it is thus a reminder of the dignity of the human person, and in particular of the body.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 15: The Church and the State

The salvation achieved by Christ, and hence the mission of the Church, is directed to the human person in his or her integral being.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 13: I Believe in the Communion of Saints and the Forgiveness of Sins

The Church is a communion of saints—the community of all men and women who have received the grace of regeneration from the Spirit, making them children of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 12: I Believe in the Holy Spirit. I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church.

The Holy Spirit intimately unites the faithful to Christ so that they form a single body, the Church, with a diversity of members and functions.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 9: The Incarnation

The Incarnation is the supreme demonstration of God’s love for mankind, when the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity took on our human nature while remaining a divine Person.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 8: Jesus Christ, True God and True Man

Jesus Christ took on human nature without ceasing to be God. He is true God and true Man.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 7: Elevation to the Supernatural Order and Original Sin

In creating the first man and woman, God constituted them in a state of holiness and justice. He also granted them the possibility of sharing in his divine life through the proper use of their freedom.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 6: Creation

The importance of the truth about creation comes from its being the foundation of God’s saving plans culminating in Christ. Both the Bible and the Creed begin with a confession of faith in God the Creator.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 5: The Most Holy Trinity

Christians are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This is the central mystery of our faith and of Christian life.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 4: God's Nature and Action

The God we come to know through faith and reason is "spiritual, transcendent, omnipotent, eternal, personal, and perfect. He is truth and love."

Doctrinal Articles