Prelate's Article in L'Osservatore Romano

Bishop Javier Echevarría has published an article on the front page of the August 21 edition of L'Osservatore Romano. Its title is "The Future of the Year for Priests."

August 21, 2010 edition.

In his article, the Prelate stresses the dignity of the priesthood, and how important it is that this dignity imbue every moment of a priest's life. "Despite our own littleness, Christ wants to use us to communicate to mankind the fruit of his redemptive work," he writes.

This requires that each priest be identified with Christ, "dying to himself so that He can live in us (cf. Gal 2:20). Priests must feel the urgency to be Eucharistic men, celebrating the Holy Mass with the faith that in each celebration Christ's sacrifice is perpetuated." It requires "dedicating oneself, even when it is difficult to do so, to all that contributes to the good of souls, with true charity, in preaching the word of God and in the sacrament of reconciliation where, in the name of and with the authority of Christ, a priest grants the divine gift of forgiveness."

Invited by Archbishop Juan José Asenjo of Seville last November, Bishop  Echevarría  also gave a talk to the priests of Cordoba about the meaning of the priesthood, during the Year for Priests. A PDF version in English of this address in found above.

Javier Echevarría // L'Osservatore Romano