Number of articles: 5042

Cardinal sees Archdiocese 'privileged' by Opus Dei presence

A reprint of an article in the New York Archdiocesan paper on a Mass celebrated by Cardinal O'Connor in commemoration of Opus Dei's founder, Blessed Josemaria Escriva.

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Petawa Service Project

Petawa Service Project, which began in 1987, brings together 15 high school girls for each of the two one-week sessions.

Information on traveling to Rome for the canonization

Committees coordinating trips to Rome for Blessed Josemaria's canonization have been established in various countries. See contact information below.

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Blessed Josemaría's Intercession

People all over the world have discovered that seeking the intercession of Blessed Josemaría in matters great and small has brought a rich harvest of grace from God. Here are several stories about how Opus Dei's founder has interceded for them.

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A hospital for the poor

The construction of Aq’on Jay Hospital will bring a new ray of hope to the impoverished farmers of Chimaltenango. Aq’on Jay will be the first ambulatory hospital in the area, one of the poorest provinces of Guatemala.

Symposium on Work in Ivory Coast

More than 300 persons attended a recent conference entitled “Work, a Way of Holiness.” The symposium, which took place at a hotel in Abidjan, explored the implications of Blessed Josemaría's teachings for the world of work.

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Las Garzas Agricultural School (Chile)

Under Blessed Josemaría’s inspiration, Las Garzas Agricultural School opened its doors in 1963 with just eighteen students. The school, located 150 km south of Santiago in the Chimbarongo district, now has 150 students enrolled and offers continuing programs for many more alumni.

Devotion to Blessed Josemaría Spreads in Guatemala

The Association of Diabetics of Guatemala has published a booklet about Opus Dei’s founder to spread devotion to Blessed Josemaría Escrivá among Guatemala’s 15,000 diabetics, on the occasion of the centennial of his birth. The founder of Opus Dei, who suffered from diabetes himself, was named patron of Catholic diabetics by the association in 1999.

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Preparing for October 6th

This Christian World (Mundo Cristiano) article on the canonization of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá provides information about the logistics of the ceremony, volunteers who will collaborate in the celebration, special programs to attend to the needs of pilgrims, and the inspiration of solidarity behind "Harambee 2002."

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Commemorative Book in Germany

A new book on Josemaria Escriva, Profiles of the Founder, was unveiled in the convention hall of the diocese of Cologne recently. The same day more than 3,000 people attended a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Meisner in the Cologne cathedral in commemoration of the centennial of the birth of the Founder of Opus Dei.

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