Number of articles: 4747

Letter from the Prelate (December 2014)

The Prelate points to Christ's second coming at the end of time as a source of hope for Christians, and urges us to prepare well for his first coming, at Christmas.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Devotion to Our Lady

This article explains the veneration given by Catholics to the Mother of God, which started in the Church in ancient times and continues to be felt vividly today. It also tells how this veneration is practised in Opus Dei.

Fostering Interior Life

Download "Thank you, Blessed Alvaro" in mp4 format

The video "Thank you, Blessed Alvaro" can be easily downloaded in mp4 format in HD or SD.


Thank you, Blessed Alvaro

Dozens of personal stories about people from all over the world who attended the events for Alvaro del Portillo's beatification in Madrid and Rome. The 28 min. video can be downloaded in mp4 format in HD or SD from


"Increase our faith, hope, and love"

In a get-together in Hong Kong in 1987, Blessed Alvaro speaks about our need for the three theological virtues, which only God can give us.


"All men and women are called to holiness"

In his November 19 general audience, Pope Francis spoke about the "universal vocation to holiness" stressed by Vatican II: "Holiness is a gift, it is a gift that the Lord Jesus gives us, when He takes us to Himself, clothes us with Himself, and renders us like Himself."

From the Church and the Pope

Examples of Faith (II): Moses' Vocation and Mission

The second article in a series on figures from Sacred Scripture who offer us an example of deep faith in God and his providence.

Fostering Interior Life

"Complementarity of Man and Woman"

Full text of Pope Francis' opening address at a colloquium on strengthening the institution of marriage being held in Rome from November 17-19, organized by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

From the Church and the Pope

Pope Francis' Eight Tips to Improve Family Life

Video. (Rome Reports). Striving, forgiveness, prayer and dedication are the ingredients that Pope Francis offers to strengthen family life. His personal experience as well as meeting thousands of people have made the Pope an expert on the family. His advice, simple yet direct, can help in day-to-day life. There is no doubt that his advice to married couples has spread around the world.


"Working for the Others"

A new documentary, in Spanish with English subtitles, about social initiatives inspired by Blessed Alvaro in Latin America.

Álvaro del Portillo