Number of articles: 4769

A House

I would like to share a favor I received from God through the intercession of Dora. We are a married couple with five children, ages ranging from 6 to 17 years old. A few years ago we decided to send our children to schools in Sternik. Our house is quite far from these schools, between 36 and 50 kilometers, and this commute was costing us much time and energy.


Learning to Love

A new article in the series on human love. "Our happiness depends on whether we learn to love. To love is the most fundamental command that God has given us."

Fostering Interior Life

Audio of Prelate: Forgiving offenses

In this month's podcast, Bishop Javier Echevarria offers reflections on another spiritual work of mercy. "Our Lord’s Cross helps us understand that we are all in need of forgiveness: to forgive and to be forgiven."

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Tomás Alvira’s first meeting with St. Josemaría

The first meeting between Tomás Alvira and the Founder of Opus Dei took place during a very difficult time, as the civil war had broken out little more than a year before. It occurred in Madrid, in the midst of a religious persecution that had already produced many martyrs. Tomás used to go to the house of an old friend from the Chemistry Faculty of Saragossa, Josémaría Albareda.


Fraternity: The Answer to Today's Challenges

In his August 3 general audience, Pope Francis reflected on the recent World Youth Day in Poland and said that "the new generation of young people gave the answer to today's challenges. They gave a sign of hope, called fraternity."

From the Church and the Pope

Audio of the Prelate: Forgiving offenses

The Prelate stresses the importance of forgiving others, and receiving God's forgiveness in Confession.


Letter from the Prelate (August 2016)

The Prelate writes about Mary's Assumption and Queenship, and reflects on a spiritual work of mercy: "bearing wrongs patiently."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Because Dora was once in Switzerland

I prayed to Dora that my husband would win an architecture contest in Switzerland. I knew that Dora had been to Switzerland before, and I had no doubt that she would help us.


Prelate to young people: open the doors to mercy

A message from the Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarria, for World Youth Day in Poland

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Interview with Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz

"Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the first Auxiliary Vicar in the history of Opus Dei, welcomed me into his home at the Opus Dei headquarters in Rome. We talked about what being Auxiliary Vicar means with regard to the governance of Opus Dei, in the context of the 41st anniversary of the Founder’s death, Sunday June 26, 2016.

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