Number of articles: 4778

The Christian Vocation

A homily by Saint Josemaria published in "Christ is Passing By," given on 2 December 1961, first Sunday in Advent. Text and audio recording in English.


Apostolic Journey to Myanmar and Bangladesh

Pope Francis carried out an apostolic visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh from 26 November to 2 December. With links to addresses and homilies available in English.

From the Church and the Pope

Advent: Preparing for the Lord's Coming

"Advent invites us to stop and be silent, to take in the presence of God." A new article on the liturgical year.

Fostering Interior Life

Prelate: "Christ reigns by giving us his life"

Words from the preaching of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz on the feast of Christ the King.

From the Prelate

A wife for my son

I prayed the prayer card asking Dora to intercede so that my oldest son, who lives in the United States, would meet a nice girl.


Sanctifying "the noble professions of medicine and nursing"

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz inaugurated the 2017-2018 academic year in the Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome.

From the Prelate

"The Mass means repeating Calvary"

Pope Francis has begun a new cycle of addresses focused on the Eucharist. In his November 22 general audience he spoke about the meaning of the Mass.

From the Church and the Pope

Work At All Times

The beginning of one's working life and the end of it are two important stages in life that bring with them special challenges in striving to sanctify work.

Fostering Interior Life

A Glance at ISSI Nursing School in the Congo

Since 1997, the Higher Institute of Nursing Sciences (ISSI) has trained nurses to provide quality, personalized care for patients and their families. These interviews with those who organize and benefit from ISSI offer a closer glimpse. ISSI also receives financial support from Harambee International.

Social initiatives

Fighting Malnutrition in Tanzania

An article published in the November 10 edition of “Avvenire” in Milan. The Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome is heading a joint effort with other universities and institutions to promote nutritional literacy in a poor district in Tanzania.

Social initiatives