Number of articles: 4791

“Sowing open-heartedness, you will reap friendship”

A group of 10 young women from Singapore dedicated part of last summer to meeting the pressing needs of young people in Vietnam.

Social initiatives

"To you I entrust the future of the Church"

October 22 is the feast day of Saint John Paul II. Here is his moving homily at a Mass in the Shrine of Our Lady of Calvary in Poland, during his final apostolic trip to his homeland.

Recent News

"Where God Wants Us": Creating Unity of Life (II)

The second part of a two-part article on the importance of attaining unity between our daily lives and the truths of the faith.

Fostering Interior Life

"Helping young people to find Christ"

The Vicar General of Opus Dei, Monsignor Mariano Fazio, who is taking part in the Synod of Bishops for young people, spoke with Vatican News about his impressions.

Recent News

"Promoters of unity and fraternity in the Church"

The Prelate of Opus Dei writes about the canonization this Sunday of Paul VI and Oscar Romero, along with five other new saints in the Church.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

A Day with Paul VI

On 21 November 1965, Pope Paul VI, who will be canonized on Sunday, took part in the inauguration of the academic year at the ELIS center and at the opening of the nearby Saint John the Baptist parish church, two initiatives encouraged by his predecessors.

Recent News

Youth Speaking Out: "God called me among my friends"

Pali, a law student in Uruguay, speaks about how she "discerned" her own vocation in Opus Dei. Fourth video in the series "Youth Speaking Out."

Personal testimonies

“God is the lover of life”

In his October 10 general audience address, Pope Francis spoke forcefully about the evil of abortion and other sins against the fifth commandment.

From the Church and the Pope

Synod for Young People: Words from the Pope and the Prelate

Young people raise questions, dreams and concerns about discerning their vocation in light of God's will. With advice from Pope Francis and the Prelate of Opus Dei.

From the Prelate

Saint Oscar Romero

An article published in "Faith Magazine" about Oscar Romero's close relationship with St Josemaría and the spirituality of Opus Dei. He will be canonised this Sunday (October 14th) in Rome by Pope Francis.

Recent News