I can stay for hours watching the sea. Just watching the water move makes me think of the immensity of God. This contemplation makes me feel happy. Being among people also makes me happy. I need people, and feeling that they need me makes me want to give the best of myself. No man is an island, you know: we need each other.
I'm from Kenya, a multicultural nation. People in my country are very welcoming, warm, and very hardworking. Despite the fact that some struggle financially, God has compensated that by giving us generous hearts and deep trust in Him… I think it's in my blood.
Being among people also makes me happy. I need people, and feeling that they need me makes me want to give the best of myself.
Most of my years when I was a student I always wanted to be in the hospitality industry. I wanted to be a nurse when I finished high school. Before joining college, I did a short course on HIV and AIDS counseling and also on hospital visitor. There I got the interest of doing catering and hospitality management, so that I can advise people on how to prevent the lifestyle diseases.
At that time I also was involved in social work with children living in the street and without parents. I think that is what confirmed me and prepared me in the vocation that I live in Opus Dei as an assistant numerary.
At the end of the day I like to think that the service I offer to others has helped them and me to love God more.