Number of articles: 14

New eBook – Vocation: Something Great that is Love

St. Josemaría recalled how, when he was only sixteen years old, he discovered that his heart was asking him for “something great that is love.” This eBook can help people discern their personal vocation, since God has a plan for each of us.


What is celibacy? How did it arise in the Church? Who lives apostolic celibacy in Opus Dei and why? An article from the "Diccionario de San Josemaría," which is currently being translated into English.

Something Great That Is Love (XII): The Vocation to Marriage

“The beauty of the vocation to form a Christian family brings with it a call to holiness that is not second-class, but first-class.”

Something Great That Is Love (XI): The Fruit of Fidelity

"Our life too can share in the abundant fruit produced by Jesus’ life, if we show Him to others through our own life, if we let Him love with our own heart."

Something Great That Is Love (X): Towards the Fullness of Love

“This path can be summed up in one word: love. If we are to love, we must have a big heart and share the concerns of those around us. We must be able to forgive and understand; we must sacrifice ourselves, with Jesus Christ, for all souls."

Something Great That Is Love (IX): We are apostles!

Apostolate for a Christian is not simply a “task” or an activity that takes up certain hours every day. It is a need that stems from a heart that has become “one body, one spirit in Christ.”

Something Great That Is Love (VIII): Am I making the right decision?

"In the process of discerning our own vocation we are never alone, since every vocation is born and takes shape in the Church."

Something Great That Is Love (VII): Giving one's life for one's friends

"This is the secret of a celibate heart: leaving behind a love on this earth in order to fill the whole world with the light of God's Love."

Something Great That Is Love (VI): So that the music plays

The vocation to Opus Dei is a call to "interpret" personally a musical score, to play a divine music that has as many interpretations as persons.

Something Great That Is Love (V): How do we discover our vocation?

There are as many stories of vocation as there are men and women. This article offers some signs that can help each person reach a conviction regarding his or her own calling from God.