Number of articles: 9

"Never give up: God can bring about good"

Antonio knows what it's like to fail. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he has had to change jobs and even his career a number of times. So when Antonio and his wife Tati talk about trusting God, it's not just a theory: it's an experience they've lived over and over again.

Not What You Expected: Dora del Hoyo

A brief video about Dora del Hoyo, whose process of canonization was opened on June 18, 2012. The video focuses on the virtues required for Dora's work as a homemaker, which she sanctified by putting love into the small details.


I Came Across Her Prayer Card

I am very impressed with Dora. About three weeks ago, I came across her prayer card in a chapel and I said to myself, "If I feel like I'm 'in a hole' for how bad I feel, then what could be better than to pray to Dora 'del Hoyo' (Spanish for 'of the hole')." I even started to use her name as a password, to remind myself to pray to her.


Time For Others

"Diligence is a virtue that especially characterized Dora," recalls Ma. Carmen Cominges, "She really knew how to maximize her time. It was typical to hear her say, 'As I have a few minutes to spare, I'm going to take advantage of them.'"

Life and Stories

Dora and the Sanctification of Work

A new video with testimonies from people who worked with Dora, and who talk about how she sought to find God in every task that she did, inspiring them to do their work better and in service of others.


Saint Josemaria Talks About Work of the Home

"Housework is something of primary importance. Besides, all work can have the same supernatural quality. There are no great or mean tasks. All are great if they are done with love. Those which are considered great become small when the Christian meaning of life is lost sight of. On the other hand, there are apparently small things that can in fact be very great because of their real effects." (Conversacions with Monsignor Escriva de Balaguer, 109).


Dora: A Woman Who Found Happiness

Giovanna Costarelli met Dora in 1973 and remained in contact with her for more than 20 years. She describes Dora as a woman with a jovial spirit, a happy person. She also talks about how Dora put into practice the teachings of St. Josemaria, the founder of Opus Dei.


Saint Josemaria on Opus Dei's future

When asked about the future of Opus Dei, Saint Josemaria says, "Opus Dei has just one thing, the desire to fulfill God's will through our ordinary work...If we're humble and don't stray from our goal, and if we're contemplatives in the street and the market-place, everything will go well."


Work, family life, and the ordinary events of each day are opportunities for drawing close to Christ, and making Him known to others.

Opus Dei