Number of articles: 60

Letter from the Prelate (March 2015)

Lent is "a time especially propitious for imitating Christ by our generous dedication to the members of his Mystical Body," the Prelate tells us in his letter this month.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

"Archbishop Oscar Romero is going to be a deeply beloved saint"

The Prelate of Opus Dei has issued a brief statement about the upcoming beatification of Archbishop Oscar Romero, soon to be declared a martyr by Pope Francis.


Letter from the Prelate (February 2015)

The Prelate points to the important role of women in the Church and the world, and urges us to strive "to create a family environment around us."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

"Families, the world needs your witness"

Prelate's words of encouragement to families in his homily at the September 28 Mass of thanksgiving for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo. Video with English subtitles.

From the Prelate

Eucharistic Adoration to Begin Marian Year

On the feast of the Holy Family, the Prelate of Opus Dei, accompanied by families in Rome, prayed before the Blessed Sacrament for all the families in the world.

From the Prelate

English subtitles and text for Prelate's Christmas video

To turn on English subtitles for the video, click on "cc" in lower right-hand corner


Prelate's Christmas Greeting: "A Family Christmas"

Bishop Javier Echevarría invites us to prepare for Christmas by serving those in our own family with diligence and love, looking at the example of the Holy Family.

From the Prelate

Letter from the Prelate (10 December 2014)

A letter from the Prelate to the faithful of Opus Dei on the appointments of an Auxiliary Vicar and a new Vicar General for the Prelature.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Prelate's Trip to Russia

In Moscow's Cathedral, Bishop Javier Echevarría and the Archbishop of Moscow, Paul Pezzi, celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo.

From the Prelate

September 28: Homily of Bishop Javier Echevarría

Homily of Bishop Javier Echevarría for the Thanksgiving Mass for the Beatification of Alvaro del Portillo.
