Number of articles: 13

14 Questions about the Family

Answers offered by Saint Josemaria to questions about love in the family, family conflicts, parent-child relationships, raising children, and faith in the family.

Saint Josemaría

The Most Supernatural Reason

"God stakes everything on our freedom. True love can only be invited, after showing that one is worthy of it, since it can only be the fruit of freedom." A new article on Christian life.

The Path of Liberation: From Sin to Grace

"Grace is much more powerful than sin, for 'where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.'" A new article in the series "Light of Faith."

"Working on Trust": On Family & Parenting

This series of videos is intended to help parents in the education of their children. The videos draw upon the teachings of Saint Josemaria, who was passionate about freedom and the educational role of parents.

Recent News

Something Great That Is Love (II): What your life could be

"Today, at this very moment, God continues to seek and knock at the door of every person." Second article in a series on discerning one's personal vocation in life.

Working on Trust (7): An Unexpected Future

Parents' dreams and expectations about their children’s future can sometimes conflict with what the children themselves want. Seventh video in the series “Working on Trust.”

Recent News

The Riches of the Faith

An article by Saint Josemaria published in ABC, a Madrid daily, on November 2, 1969. In this article, the Opus Dei founder spoke of love for freedom as one of the treasures of the Christian faith.


St. Josemaría, a Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 2)

The Christian’s response, says St. Josemaría, should be “to drown evil in an abundance of good” and to open wide one’s arms to all humanity as did Jesus Christ the priest. In this second part of a study published in the journal Romana,we will consider some key ideas from the homily “Christian Respect for Persons and their Freedom” and the practice of forgiveness in contemporary society in striving to foster a culture of peace.


St. Josemaría, Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 1)

This study published in no. 52 of of the journal ‘Romana’, it focuses on some aspects of St. Josemaría’s teachings on forgiveness and their relevance in fostering a peaceful co-existence. Because of its length, it will be published in two parts. The founder of Opus Dei invites us to rediscover forgiveness and to learn how to love: to love God and, through him, our neighbor, also when we are offended. The words and example of St. Josemaría help us to go deeper into the beauty of forgiveness and to lear


Educating in Freedom

"The task of raising children comes down to getting them to 'want' to do what is good, providing them with the intellectual and moral resources so that each one be able to do what is good from his or her own conviction."