Number of articles: 116

Prelate's Homily at Mass of Blessed Alvaro

For the feast of Blessed Alvaro on May 12, Bishop Javier Echevarría celebrated a solemn Mass in the basilica of San Eugenio in Rome. Video summary with English subtitles


Alvaro del Portillo Beatification Newsletter (2015)

A newsletter about the beatification of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo in September 2014 in Madrid.


May 12: Live Transmission of Mass of Blessed Alvaro

On May 12th, feast of Blessed Alvaro, the Prelate of Opus Dei will celebrate a Mass in San Eugenio at 7 pm Rome time (1 pm New York time).

Recent News

Blessed Alvaro and God's Mercy

Confession is "a tribunal with a heart of mercy," Blessed Alvaro says when speaking about God's readiness to forgive us.


"Always a plus sign"

Abel Albino is a pediatrician in Argentina. In 1995 he founded CONIN, an NGO that has set up more than 70 centers to combat infant malnutrition. From the documentary "Working for the Others" on social initiatives inspired by Blessed Alvaro del Portillo in Latin America.

Social initiatives

The Prelate in Valencia

Invited by Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, Archbishop of Valencia, Bishop Javier Echevarría gave an address on Blessed Alvaro del Portillo's contribution to Vatican II, and prayed before an image of “Our Lady of the Forsaken.”

From the Prelate

Beatification eBook

March 23 is the anniversary of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo's death. A new eBook offers an overview of his beatification, with 170 photographs, the message sent by Pope Francis and other relevant texts.


The spiritual fruit of Holy Communion

In a get-together with thousands of people in Barcelona in 1989, Blessed Alvaro spoke about the spiritual fruit Holy Communion brings.


"Opus Dei was born among Madrid's poor and the hospitals"

In a get-together in Zurich in 1983, Blessed Alvaro spoke about the founder of Opus Dei's frequent visits to the hospitals and poor neighborhoods of Madrid back in the 1930s. (To turn English subtitles on or off, click on "cc" in the bottom right-hand corner of the video.)


Respecting the faith of others

January 18-25 is the octave for praying for Christian unity. In 1983, in Switzerland, Blessed Alvaro spoke about respecting the faith of others.
