The Silence of a Contemplative Soul: The Time of Afternoon and Night
The custom of focusing our time of work in the afternoon and our time of night can help us gather our senses and engage in a wordless dialogue with the Lord.
New Mediterraneans (V): "To Jesus, Through Mary" (with audio)
As a young priest, Saint Josemaria grasped with new depth a truth he had always known. “Yesterday I discovered another Mediterranean: if I am a son of my Father God, then I am also a son of my Mother Mary.”
New Mediterraneans (III): "From the Wound of the Right Hand" (with audio)
A "new discovery" in Saint Josemaria's spiritual life. Contemplating our Lord’s Sacred Humanity, wounded for our sins and now risen in glory, should be for us a font of hope.
"That First Prayer of a Child of God" (with audio)
On 16 October 1931, Saint Josemaria, beset with many worries, deeply experienced the reality that he was a child of God, which he called a "new Mediterranean" in his life.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (XIII): One doesn't reason; one looks!
Contemplative prayer develops in us a new way of looking at everything that happens around us, sharing in God’s vision of the world.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (XII): Souls of Liturgical Prayer
Saint Josemaria found in the words and actions of the Church's liturgy an abundant source for personal prayer.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (XI): A Letter from Christ
“Jesus doesn’t want our prayer to be an isolated element in the midst of our other activities, with little power to transform our lives.”
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (X): How Close Jesus Is
Saint Josemaría spoke about the ‘quid divinum’, the “divine element" that we can discover around us and in everything we do. Then a new dimension opens up in which we share every corner of our life with God.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (IX): Fear Not, I Am With You
In our life of prayer, difficulties and moments of darkness may arise. But we should have the certainty that God is especially close to us then.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (VIII): At the Right Time
"We need to remember the beautiful, great things that God has done for each of us, since a prayer of remembrance does a lot of good for a Christian heart."
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (VII): A Good Connection
We have “a direct line with God Our Lord. He is so good that He is always available for us." A new article in the series on prayer.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (VI): A Richer Language
God's language is much richer than ours. He can speak to us in many different ways, with words and also with deeds.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (V): How God Speaks To Us
The language of prayer is mysterious. We cannot control it, but little by little by persevering in prayer we find that God changes our heart.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (IV): Learning How to Listen
Blessed Guadalupe wrote about her life of prayer: “Go deeper in that silence to arrive where God alone is: where not even the angels can enter without our permission." A new article in the series on prayer.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (III): In the Company of the Saints
The example of the saints, especially our Lady, can be a great help for our life of prayer. A new article in the series on prayer.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (II): With Words Jesus Taught Us
"It is only by knowing what God holds deep in his heart that we can learn to pray truly." A new article in the series on prayer.
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (I): Stealing Christ's Heart
"Perhaps we could define prayer like this: a word that 'steals Christ’s heart' and enables us to live, from now on, close to Him."
In the Joyful Hope of Christ
"Christ freed us from a relationship with God based on negative precepts and limits, and brought us instead a life of Love." A new article on Christian life.
Paths of Contemplation (with audio)
Setting out on paths of contemplation amid our daily life means letting the Holy Spirit shape Christ in us, so that His face is reflected in our features.
New Mediterraneans (IV): "Don't speak: listen to him" (with audio)
"Resolution: foster, uninterruptedly if possible, friendship and a loving, docile conversation with the Holy Spirit." Saint Josemaria discovers another "new Mediterranean" in his spiritual life.