Number of articles: 160

Letter from the Prelate (April 2014)

The Prelate urges us to prepare ourselves very well for Holy Week, also by having devout recourse to the sacrament of Confession and helping others to do so.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (March 2014)

The Prelate focuses on the virtues of fidelity and loyalty, in the context of the centennial of Alvaro del Portillo's birth.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (February 2014)

The Prelate points to Don Alvaro's love for the Holy Cross, in the context of a new anniversary of the 14th of February.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (January 2014)

The Prelate asks us to make a special effort to live fraternity with all men and women, created in the image and likeness of God, and redeemed by Christ.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (December 2013)

With the close of the Year of Faith, the Prelate reflects on ways to ensure these past months leave a deep impression on our daily lives.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (November 2013)

The Prelate insists that meditating on the "last things," on the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting, should fill us with joy, trusting in God's infinite mercy.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (October 2013)

“You cannot have God as your Father, if you don’t have the Church as your mother.” The Prelate reflects on these words of a Church Father and on the importance of the sacrament of Confession.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (September 2013)

The feast of the Birth of our Lady, on the 8th, and the feasts of the Exaltation of the Cross and of our Lady at the foot of the Cross on the 14th and 15th, provide the thread for this month's letter.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (August 2013)

The Prelate gives thanks to God for the approval of the miracles attributed to the intercession of Blessed John Paul II and Alvaro del Portillo, and continues his catechesis for the Year of Faith.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (July 2013)

"I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church." The Prelate stresses the supernatural foundation of the Church in his letter this month.

Pastoral Letters and Messages