Number of articles: 829

Daily Meditations Pause

Daily meditations are texts meant to feed our mental prayer, inviting us to stop and converse with God each day of the liturgical year.

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Invitation to the Mass for the Feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá

26 June is the feast day of Saint Josemaría. This joyous occasion will be marked by a Mass celebrated at St. Joseph's Church (Victoria Street).

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Youth: A Space for Young People on the Opus Dei Website

Opus Dei Youth is now live on with new content for young people who want to impact society and grow closer to God.

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29 New Priests Ordained: "If we are humble, we will bear fruit"

On 25 May, twenty-nine faithful of Opus Dei received priestly ordination from Bishop Paul Toshihiro Sakai, auxiliary bishop of Osaka-Takamatsu (Japan). The ceremony took place in the Basilica of Saint Eugene (Rome).

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General Archive of the Prelature of Opus Dei

The Archive of Opus Dei was first set up between 1953 and 1956. In 2010 the documentation was catalogued. In December 2017 it was officially erected. It is currently in an advanced stage of organisation and classification, and is scheduled to open to the public between 2028 and 2030.

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A Journey of Grace & Mercy

On 25 May 2024, twenty-nine faithful of the Prelature of Opus Dei will be ordained priests in Rome; among them is Wai Leung (Billy) Ng from Hong Kong.

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Rosalía López was born on 5 February 1925, in Busnela (Burgos, Spain). She moved to Rome in 1946 to collaborate with St. Josemaría at the outset of Opus Dei. She did so through her work in the administration of the early centres of the Work. Her mortal remains now rest in the crypt of the prelatic church, Our Lady of Peace.

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The HeArt of Living Seminar: One Event, Three Offerings

The HeArt of Living Seminar was held on 30 September in Singapore at SFX Major Seminary in Upper Bukit Timah with about 50 cooperators and friends in attendance. The aim of the event was to elaborate on the human and divine aspects of life and how a complementary mix of both makes life meaningful.

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New Issue of “Romana”

Number 76 of “Romana,” the bulletin of the Prelature of Opus Dei, is now available online in English with news about the first half of 2023.

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"Young people have always been integral to Opus Dei"

“Youth” is a new project by and for young people.

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