Number of articles: 2155

“Looking after my family is truly professional work.”

“The knowledge that I’m a much-loved daughter of God, my “divine filiation”, and that everything that happens to me is either willed or permitted by God, gives me a wonderful feeling of security, a great peace.” Testimony of Virginia McGough, homemaker in Cheshire, Great Britain, married with five children between 5 and 13.

Personal testimonies

The Prelate of Opus Dei Takes Part in the XV Family Day at Torreciudad

Thousands of people joined Bishop Echevarría on September 4 at the Marian shrine of Torreciudad in the Spanish Pyrenees. He spoke to them about the family as a divine gift.

Recent News

A Divine Gift to Mankind

The text of Bishop Javier Echevarría’s remarks, drawn from his book, The Christian’s Journey through Life:

From the Prelate

Volunteers to the Rescue

For St. Josemaría, one form of charity is “making life more agreeable for others.” A way to do that might be painting someone’s house if he can’t do it himself. This is what the Alazores University Association is doing in Málaga, Spain.

Social initiatives

The Pope in Lourdes, August 14 and 15

On his eighth visit to France, John Paul II has gone to Lourdes to inaugurate the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception.

Recent News

“When vacationing, give first place to the interior life”—John Paul II

At the Angelus of July 18, the Pope said that a vacation is a good time to renew the interior life; “the most important thing in life is listening to the Word of God.”

Recent News

The Prelate’s Visit to Bari, Italy

In 1954, St. Josemaría prayed at the tomb of St. Nicholas in Bari, asking his intercession at a time of grave financial need. Fifty years later, the Prelate wanted to make a return visit to Bari.

From the Prelate

“I rediscovered that I could have a personal relationship with God”

James Burfitt comes from Sydney, Australia. A school teacher for nearly 20 years, he also writes film reviews in a magazine for families.

Personal testimonies

Pope John Paul II has announced a “Year of the Eucharist” to begin in October.

A special year devoted to the Eucharist “is part of the pastoral plan to which I referred in my Apostolic Letter, "Novo Millennio Ineunte",” the Pope said on June 13 in St. Peter’s Square, “when I invited the faithful to ‘walk with Christ.’”

Recent News

“I found St. Josemaría’s enthusiasm catching.”

Testimony of Petra Herold of Forchheim, Germany. She studied physics and mathematics, and is now married with four children.

Personal testimonies