Number of articles: 4780

Uncommon Faith: A new book on Josemaría Escrivá

An American author who worked with Josemaría Escrivá for seven years in Rome has written a book about the early history of Opus Dei.

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Working Hard in the Bronx: the Rosedale Summer Job-Training Program

"Summer fun" for Rosedale Achievement Center’s high school girls means getting up early, working hard from 9:00 – 12:00, taking classes from 1:00 – 4:00 and going home tired, happy and with money in their pockets.

Social initiatives

New book: Cures Through the Intercession of Josemaria Escriva

A book about extraordinary cures attributed to the intercession of Blessed Josemaria Escriva has been published recently by Scepter. The author is Msgr. Flavio Capucci, the Postulator of the Cause of Canonization of Josemaria Escriva.

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Blessed Josemaría Escrivá to be canonized October 6, 2002

The Vatican has announced that Pope John Paul II will canonize Josemaría Escrivá, Opus Dei's founder, Padre Pío, Juan Diego, and 6 others this year.

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October 3 to 10 in Rome

Program of events related to the canonization of Blessed Josemaría. Additional information can be found at

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37 New Priests

The prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría, ordained 37 men from 14 countries on September 1. Echevarría urged them to let their priestly lives "follow the footsteps" of Blessed Josemaría now that his canonization is approaching.

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Canonization website now available on Internet

The organizing committee for the celebration of the canonization of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá has just put a page on the web with useful information for all who want to take part in or simply know more about the ceremony which will take place in St. Peter’s Square on Oct. 6th.

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Navarre Plans Honorary Doctorate for Cardinal Rouco and Mary Ann Glendon

An article from the Zenit News Service about the University of Navarre, a corporate work of the Prelature of Opus Dei in Pamplona, Spain.

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Symposium on Work and Human Values in Sydney

Some sixty people from a wide range of professions participated in a symposium organized by Warrane College to mark the first centenary of the founder of Opus Dei, Blessed Josemaría Escrivá.

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Painting for the poor in St. Petersburg

Each year a group of Irish students organizes a work camp to help needy people in St. Petersburg by refurbishing their dwellings. The work camp has also included students from Finland, the U.S., Lithuania, and Latvia. Joe Flanagan relates his memories of the camp.

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