Number of articles: 4779

De-coding Da Vinci: Zenit interviews Amy Welborn on her new book

First, there was "The Da Vinci Code." Now there's "De-coding Da Vinci." The latter, by writer Amy Welborn, aims to debunk the errors that permeate the best-selling novel by Dan Brown.

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Discourse of John Paul II to UNIV 2004

Recent News

Good Friday

The Prelate’s Good Friday Reflections broadcast on EWTN world radio

From the Prelate

Holy Thursday: The Institution of the Eucharist

The Prelate’s Holy Thursday Reflections, broadcast on EWTN world radio

From the Prelate

News of Holy Week

In the next few days you will find on this page information about the World Day of Youth, held on April 4 in Rome, and about Pope John Paul’s audience with those attending UNIV 2004 on April 5. In addition, we will present the text of Bishop Javier Echevarría’s reflections on Holy Week, broadcast by EWTN radio, beginning on Palm Sunday.

Recent News

Monday in Holy Week: Jesus in Bethany

The Prelate’s reflections on the Monday in Holy Week, broadcast on EWTN world radio

From the Prelate

Palm Sunday: Jesus Enters Jerusalem

The Prelate’s reflections on Palm Sunday, broadcast on EWTN world radio

From the Prelate

Bishop Echevarría: “Thank you, Cardinal König, for your help and your friendship.”

Bishop Javier Echevarría attended the funeral of Cardinal Franz König on March 27 in Vienna at St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

From the Prelate

Message for World Youth Day 2004

The theme of the 19th World Youth Day is the petition some “Greeks” brought to the Apostles: “We Want to See Jesus” (Jn 12:21). We also offer a video of scenes from previous meetings of John Paul II with participants in UNIV congresses.

Recent News

First centers of Opus Dei opened in Croatia and Slovenia

In 2003 new centers of Opus Dei were opened in nine countries: Argentina, Chile, the Czech Republic, Lebanon, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, Croatia, and Slovenia. The centers in Croatia and Slovenia were the countries’ first.

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