Number of articles: 4779

I resolved to smile more

Interview with Roger Bissonnette, car mechanic and school bus driver, Besner & Bissonnette Inc. He is married with two adult children.

Personal testimonies

“St. Josemaría helped me see my work as service”

“I phoned a friend to tell him I had discovered a treasure which I wanted to share with him.” Testimony of Patrick Utomi, a lecturer in business studies and a consultant in Lagos, Nigeria.

Personal testimonies

Jose María Casciaro: “It’s worthwhile”

Father Jose María Casciaro, Associate Professor of Semitic Philology at the University of Madrid, died in Pamplona on March 8. He had lived in Madrid with the founder of Opus Dei during a considerable part of the years between 1939 and 1942. His recollections of those years crystallized in a book published in 1998, whose title “It’s worthwhile” is even more relevant today.

Personal testimonies

Does one have to stand out in order to be a saint?

Are the members of Opus Dei supposed to do outstanding work and seek to be the best? Does one have to stand out in order to be a saint?

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Opus Dei in Africa

What is Opus Dei doing to promote the welfare of young people in the struggling countries of Africa so as to open more hopeful horizons?

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Examining life in New York

New York is legendary for its fast pace of life. Like everywhere, people here have trouble finding time to reflect on the meaning of life, or on what it takes to live a fulfilled life. But that is exactly what a group of college students and young professionals did recently at Schuyler Hall, an Opus Dei center in Manhattan, at a seminar entitled “The Examined Life: Philosophical Reflections on Ordinary Life.”

Recent News

Opus Dei’s Influence

How does the Opus Dei Prelature, given the current condition of the world, influence events, particularly in the Church?

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Conservative or Progressive?

Is Opus Dei a conservative institution?

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

The Work and Vatican II

From the doctrinal point of view, is the Work traditionalist or traditional? And how does that fit in with Vatican II?

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

For Those Searching for God

Today there is a new interest in religion. How does the Work respond to this interior thirst?

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages