Number of articles: 4780

Solemn Masses in Honour of St Josemaría Escrivá

Solemn Masses in honour of St Josemaría Escrivá will be celebrated in several cities in Asia in the coming month of June. St Josemaría was canonised by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on 6 October 2002. His feastday falls on 26 June, the date of his death.

Video of the Priestly Ordinations in Rome

A brief view of the ceremony that took place last Saturday (May 26, 2007) at the church of St. Eugenio in Rome where the Prelate ordained 38 faithful of Opus Dei to the priesthood.

Opus Dei

5. How does one become a member of Opus Dei?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. How does one become a member of Opus Dei? (Duration: 1:28)

Opus Dei

Zhanara discovers Catholicism in Amsterdam

Zhanara is from Kazakhstan, but her life took a big turn when she came to Amsterdam. Here she encountered the Catholic faith and has been baptized. Her path to conversion has taught her to open up her mind and her heart.

Personal testimonies

"Zapped" by God

A recently published interview with Msgr. Fred Dolan, the Vicar for Canada, where he talks about discovering his vocation to Opus Dei.

Recent News

Letter of the Prelate (June 2007)

Letter of Bishop Javier Echevarria to the faithful of Opus Dei. This month’s letter touches on the mysteries of the Trinity and the Eucharist.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

"He will descend upon each of these deacons, transforming them into priests of Jesus Christ: priests forever."

The homily given by Bishop Javier Echevarria, the Prelate of Opus Dei, in Rome during the ordination ceremony on May 26, 2007.

Recent News

My Disbelief Has Turned Into Deep Seated Commitment

When she first heard the message of Opus Dei, she thought it an unattainable ideal. Today Ivy Phua is a member, and she says, “My disbelief has turned into a deep seated commitment that is still growing everyday.”

"What must I do in order for my life to have meaning?"

Benedict XVI, in Brazil: "Young people are the main protagonists of the third millennium. ... It is they who will decide the destiny of this new stage of humanity".

Recent News

Letter from the Prelate (May 2007)

Selections from a letter on Marian devotion and the family, from Bishop Javier Echevarría to the faithful of the Prelature of Opus Dei.

Pastoral Letters and Messages