Number of articles: 4779

Lent: a deep sense of reparation

"Let us give our mortification and penance (which have to be more intense during this time of Lent) a deep sense of reparation," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo advised us in a 1990 Letter.


​Beatification will be in Valdebebas Park, northeast of Madrid

Valdebebas, a new urban development site near the Spanish capital, will host the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo in September. The website has details about the program, transport, etc.


Sowers of peace and joy

Christians should take the peace of Christ to all peoples, says Bishop Alvaro.


Parish Church of Saint Josemaria in the Philippines

Built largely through the work of the local people, the parish church of Saint Josemaria Escriva was formally dedicated by the bishop of Tarlac and declared a diocesan shrine.

Recent News

Prayer to Saint Josemaría

Prayer for Saint Josemaría's intercession.

Devotion and Favors

Biography of Bishop Alvaro

In 1975, Alvaro del Portillo succeeded St. Josemaría Escrivá as head of Opus Dei, carrying on his work with fidelity and dedication.

Life and Stories

Letter from the Prelate (March 2014)

The Prelate focuses on the virtues of fidelity and loyalty, in the context of the centennial of Alvaro del Portillo's birth.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

The Family's Educational Mission (I)

The self-sacrificing love of the parents generates in the family an atmosphere that facilitates their mission of leading their children to live the human and Christian virtues.

Fostering Interior Life

With God, We Can!

In a get-together in London in 1985, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo encourages people to trust in God's help to bring those around them back to him.


The Family's Educational Mission (II)

The second part of an article on the parents' role in fostering a love for the true good in their children.

Fostering Interior Life