Number of articles: 4776

Harambee Social Projects and the Beatification

Harambee Africa International, in conjunction with the organizing committee for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo, is inviting people to assist four African social and educational initiatives begun by Bishop Alvaro del Portillo.


Prelate: "Resentment can ruin the heart"

In the Mass celebrated in the basilica of Sant’Eugenio in Rome for the feast of Saint Josemaria, the Prelate of Opus Dei spoke about the need to forgive others and to be forgiven by God.

From the Prelate

Venerable Alvaro del Portillo Newsletter No 4 (2014)

A newsletter containing the decree declaring the heroic virtue of Alvaro del Portillo and the decree and the details of the miracle paving the way to his beatification.


Sanctifying with our Work

“Sanctity, for the vast majority of people, implies sanctifying their work, sanctifying themselves in it, and sanctifying others through it,” the Founder of Opus Dei tells us.

Fostering Interior Life

A Life of Prayer

A downloadable audio and pdf version of St Josemaria’s homily “Life of Prayer”, published in the book Friends of God.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

The Christian's Hope

A downloadable audio and pdf version of St Josemaria’s homily The Christian's Hope”, published in the book Friends of God.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Activities in Rome Related to Alvaro del Portillo's Beatification

From September 29 to October 2, pilgrims to Rome will be able to pray before the body of the new blessed. Two Roman basilicas will host Masses of thanksgiving.


The Miracle of the Eucharist

With the feast of Corpus Christi approaching, we offer a brief video in which Bishop Alvaro del Portillo explains in simple language the greatness of the Eucharistic miracle. It is taken from a 1983 get-together with families in Mexico.


St. Josemaría, a Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 2)

The Christian’s response, says St. Josemaría, should be “to drown evil in an abundance of good” and to open wide one’s arms to all humanity as did Jesus Christ the priest. In this second part of a study published in the journal Romana,we will consider some key ideas from the homily “Christian Respect for Persons and their Freedom” and the practice of forgiveness in contemporary society in striving to foster a culture of peace.


"Where charity is a reality"

A recent roundtable at IESE Business School for Alvaro del Portillo's centenary recalled how he urged the “setting up of business schools all over the world that would teach the Church’s social doctrine and where charity would be a reality."

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