Number of articles: 4773

Marriage, a Christian vocation

Saint Josemaría teaches that marriage is a Christian vocation to which many people are called, as shown in the video series “Take a chance on happiness.”


Pope Francis Beatifies Paul VI

With the presence of Benedict XVI, Pope Francis beatified Paul VI, who held fast "with farsightedness and wisdom – and at times alone – to the helm of the barque of Peter, while never losing his joy and his trust in the Lord."

From the Church and the Pope

"Let us ask Paul VI for all the families in the world"

For the beatification of Paul VI, the Prelate of Opus Dei has issued a brief statement.

From the Prelate

Paul VI, Defender of the Family and of Life

The miracle that opened the way to his beatification was the cure of a Florida mother's child still in the womb. Saint Josemaria described him as a person "who loves so much, who is so concerned for the humblest."

From the Church and the Pope

Pope Paul VI Opens Centro ELIS

Pope Francis will beatify Paul VI on Sunday October 19. On November 21, 1965, Paul VI officially opened Centro ELIS, a social initiative located in one of Rome's poorest districts. In his address Paul VI said that education and training were the most important way of improving the lives of young unemployed people from poor families.

Recent News

Pope Paul VI’s First Visit to Centro ELIS

"I still have a very vivid memory of the visit of Pope Paul VI to the Centro ELIS on its opening day," said Alvaro del Portillo. "The Pope stayed well beyond the time planned for the visit, he celebrated Mass, and attentively visited the various parts of the Centro."


Parental Authority

A new article in the series on family education offers some ideas on how to help children manage their freedom.

Fostering Interior Life

"Helping others"

In a get-together in Nairobi in 1989, Blessed Alvaro suggested that the best service we can render the poor is to give them the skills needed to find a job.


Prayer Vigil for Synod on the Family

On October 4, Pope Francis presided over a prayer vigil for the Synod on the Family, and urged couples to be open to the gift of life.

From the Church and the Pope

Letter from the Prelate (October 2014)

The Prelate invites us to pray with Blessed Alvaro: "Thank you, forgive me, help me more." He suggests that we ask especially for peace in the world and for the upcoming Synod on the family.

Pastoral Letters and Messages