Number of articles: 4779

How Dora del Hoyo Helps Me

People who knew Dora and who worked alongside her talk about how they habitually pray to her intercession.


Examples of Faith (III): David, A Man After God's Own Heart

The third article in a series on figures from Sacred Scripture who offer us an example of deep faith in God and his providence.

Fostering Interior Life

Blessed Alvaro, our Family Patron

Mary Agbu, a supernumerary of Opus Dei in Nigeria, talks about her husband and nine children and their devotion to Blessed Alvaro del Portillo.


Letter from the Prelate (January 2015)

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I always be with the Three.” The Prelate advises us to use these words of St. Josemaria to pray for all families in this Marian year for the family.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Footprints in the Snow

One winter's day, Josemaria went out early and saw some bare footprints in the snow. A friar was walking barefoot to offer a sacrifice to God. This segment is from an animated film on St. Josemaría's early life.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Eucharistic Adoration to Begin Marian Year

On the feast of the Holy Family, the Prelate of Opus Dei, accompanied by families in Rome, prayed before the Blessed Sacrament for all the families in the world.

From the Prelate

"Large families are hope for a world marred by selfishness"

On Sunday December 28, feast of the Holy Family, Pope Francis met with 7,000 people belonging to an Italian association for large families.

From the Church and the Pope

Interview with Mariano Fazio

The new Vicar General of Opus Dei talks about Pope Francis' reaction when he informed him of his appointment, and about the challenges he foresees. Published by the Argentine Catholic News Agency (AICA).

Recent News

English subtitles and text for Prelate's Christmas video

To turn on English subtitles for the video, click on "cc" in lower right-hand corner


​Marian Year for the Family

On December 28, 2014, a Marian year for the family will begin in Opus Dei, to pray to our Lady for all the families in the world.

Recent News