Number of articles: 38

Numerary and Associate Priests: Making Others "Shine"

Priests incardinated in the Prelature of Opus Dei: a mission of service dedicated to fostering the holiness and apostolate of the other members of the Work and of those who participate in the activities of Opus Dei.

Fostering Interior Life

Making the Centre a Home (II)

Christian families are places where everyone lives and works for the others. Some missteps that can undermine this spirit, and ways to reawaken it.

Fostering Interior Life

Making the Centre a Home (I)

Open, bright, cheerful homes: this is what God wants. This is the first instalment of reflections on family life within the centres of Opus Dei.

Fostering Interior Life

Apostles Who Give Life

The vocation to Opus Dei as a numerary: enlarging the heart to transmit God's life to the members of the Work and to those who share a stretch of the journey towards heaven with them.

Fostering Interior Life

Associates: Deep Roots and High Branches

The vocation to Opus Dei as an associate: an unlimited field of possibilities.

Fostering Interior Life

A Home That Reaches the Whole World

The vocation of a numerary assistant is a specific calling to care for and strengthen family ties in Opus Dei.

Fostering Interior Life

Wanting To Be Children, Finding the Warmth of a Home: Filiation and Paternity in Opus Dei

On the birthday of the Prelate of Opus Dei, we reflect on fatherhood and filiation in this family.

Fostering Interior Life

Supernumeraries: In the Bloodstream of Society

Supernumeraries: the men and women who are the most frequently seen face of Opus Dei.

Christian Life

"Vocation, like holiness, is not reserved for a few"

Message of Pope Francis for the 2022 World Day of Prayer for Vocations on Sunday 8 May.

From the Church and the Pope

What is vocation? Does everyone have a vocation?

Here are some questions about God's call and vocational discernment, with explanations from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and enriched with quotes from Saint Josemaría Escrivá.

Fostering Interior Life