Number of articles: 81

Fr. Nicanor, Spain: "I love being a priest"

A priest from an island—the eighth of the Canary Islands—with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants. He is currently the parish priest in Arrecife (Lanzarote), where he oversees two parishes and strives to spread the Gospel everywhere with a smile.

One by One

Numerary and Associate Priests: Making Others "Shine"

Priests incardinated in the Prelature of Opus Dei: a mission of service dedicated to fostering the holiness and apostolate of the other members of the Work and of those who participate in the activities of Opus Dei.

14 February: the Work is God's

Some resources to celebrate the double anniversary of the foundation of the women's branch of Opus Dei (14 February 1930) and the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross (14 February 1943).

Recent News

"You belong to the Lord and to his holy people"

25 faithful of Opus Dei have been ordained to the diaconate by Cardinal Lazarus You Heung-siken, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy, in the Basilica of St. Eugene (Rome). The text of the homily, remarks by Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, and a photo gallery.

Recent News

"Nourish this faith"

During the 75th anniversary year of Opus Dei coming to Britain we are posting a number of videos telling stories of lives changed by faith. "Nourish this faith” is the story of Fr Matt, a Welsh parish priest who was helped by Opus Dei to follow his vocation to the priesthood.

28 March 1925: A Priest of Jesus Christ

On the Saturday before Passion Sunday, 28 March 1925, Bishop Miguel de los Santos Diaz Gómara conferred priestly ordination on Josemaria Escriva in the Church of the Royal Seminary of San Carlos, Saragossa

14 February: A Sign of Divine Providence

On February 14th, in 1930 and 1943 respectively, Saint Josemaria saw that both women and priests could form part of Opus Dei. Some texts and videos about these two foundational dates.

Recent News

“We need to make Christ’s way of being our own”

“The Centrality of Christ in the Formation and Life of Priests” was the theme of the 57th Conference on Pastoral Questions in Castelldaura, near Barcelona, which took place on 25-26 January.

3 Short Stories about the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Gerona, Hinojosa de Jarque (Teruel) and Santa María de Luneda (Pontevedra) are the starting points for three hitherto unknown testimonies of dedication to others. The historian Santiago Martínez brings us an account of three early members of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross — founded by Saint Josemaría in 1943 — to which more than 4,000 clerics around the world belong today.

24 New Deacons: “Our Lord is calling all men and women to holiness”

Excerpt from the homily of Bishop Yanguas at the diaconal ordination of 24 faithful of Opus Dei, and also some words from the Prelate of Opus Dei after the ceremony.

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