Number of articles: 31

Lenten meditations

Seven recorded meditations to help us gaze upon the glory of God and realize that his kindness is a greater joy than life itself.

As in a Film: The Desert Experience

Jesus’ life was not free from difficulties. Before beginning his public ministry, he spent forty days of fasting and penance in the desert, where he suffered the temptations of the devil. That experience can show us a way to see difficulties as opportunities to mature in our Christian vocation.

Message from the Pope for Lent 2024

The Holy Father encourages us to meditate prayerfully on the journey from slavery to freedom as we prepare for Holy Week. "In Lent, to act also means to pause: to pause in prayer, in order to receive the word of God, to pause like the Samaritan in the presence of a wounded brother or sister."

What is Lent?

What is Lent? What is conversion, and how can we express our desire for it? Here are some frequently asked questions about Lent to help enter into the meaning of the liturgical season more deeply.

Message of Pope Francis for Lent (2022)

"Let us not grow tired of uprooting evil from our lives. May the corporal fasting to which Lent calls us fortify our spirit for the battle against sin." (With links to Tagalog and Ilocano translations)

Lent and Holy Week: The Path to Easter

Some resources for drawing as much spiritual fruit as possible from Lent and Holy Week, in preparation for celebrating our Lord's resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Recent News

Lent with Blessed Alvaro

Alvaro del Portillo died on 23 March 1994. Here is an extract from a letter he wrote on 2 February 1985, at the beginning of Lent.


"Let us daily contemplate his wounds"

Homily of Pope Francis at Mass for Ash Wednesday and distribution of ashes on 17 February 2021.

A Meditation for Ash Wednesday

A meditation by Fr Brian McCarthy for Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent (17 February 2021).

"A time for believing, hoping and loving"

Message of Pope Francis for Lent 2021. The time leading up to Easter is "a journey of conversion, prayer and sharing of our goods."