"When you pray to Dora, good things happen"
Julia from New Jersey, USA, talks about how Dora became her role-model.
What seemed difficult was not only possible...
A few months ago the medical division of Social Security called me to tell me that I was no longer entitled to health insurance and prescription drug coverage. This was terrible news because I take a medication which would cost me about 300 euros every month. The following day I started trying to figure out how to solve this problem.
Changing Our Floors
Some time ago, we decided to change part of the floor of the house. When the workers went to collect the new wood we had chosen, they found that the batch that was available had already been sold.
Favor after favor
With this story, I wish to thank Dora for all the times she has lent me a hand. If it were not for her, many times I wouldn't make it to the end of day.
My Dog Romulus
My dog Romulus, a three-month old puppy, had been sick for some time. We brought him to the vet twice, and then finally they kept him there overnight. It turned out that he had a rotavirus.
An Order of 26 Cakes
I run a small bakery business out of my home, and my mother gave me Dora’s prayer card. I pray to Dora every day asking for her help in my business–that the cakes will turn out well, and that I will have plenty of orders. One Monday or Tuesday during Christmas time, I received an order of twenty-six cakes which had to be ready that Friday.
A House
I would like to share a favor I received from God through the intercession of Dora. We are a married couple with five children, ages ranging from 6 to 17 years old. A few years ago we decided to send our children to schools in Sternik. Our house is quite far from these schools, between 36 and 50 kilometers, and this commute was costing us much time and energy.
Because Dora was once in Switzerland
I prayed to Dora that my husband would win an architecture contest in Switzerland. I knew that Dora had been to Switzerland before, and I had no doubt that she would help us.
The Scanner
I want to share a favor I received through Dora del Hoyo: I needed to send some documents that I first needed to scan, and I could not get the scanner to work properly. I remembered that Dora had done me a favor once...
Nuts and Bolts
I was cleaning the drain of a sink, and I was trying to tighten a bolt that would not fit back into place. I tried several times and nothing worked. But all that changed as soon as I said "DORA, NOW!"