Number of articles: 55

Isabel Sánchez and Opus Dei: “Deepening in the charism, rectifying, and dreaming of sowing good”

The path to the Centenary has sparked a process of reflection, seen in the recently concluded Regional Assemblies held around the world. In this conversation with Isabel Sánchez, secretary of the Central Advisory, she shares some of the key topics discussed.

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Juan Eusebio, Spain: "The formation I receive in the Work is essential for me"

Juan Eusebio works in the fields of Mérida. He and his wife take in Saharawi children from refugee camps.

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Juan and Lourdes, Spain: "The 'culture shock' of an imperfect, happy marriage"

Juan wasn't a believer when he started dating Lourdes. However, their affection, as well as the respect and admiration he had for her Christian upbringing, gradually drew him closer to God. In this video, they share their testimony of joys and difficulties.

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Luli, Argentina: "The Work helped me develop my own personality, never to shrink it"

Luli is 38 years old and originally from Corrientes, Argentina. Throughout her career, she has cultivated a deep relationship with people, highlighting her passion for listening, sharing and learning from the experiences of others. This facet of her life, which was not so prominent before, has become one of the most enriching aspects of her vocation to the Work as an assistant numerary.

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María Ángeles, Spain: "When I look back, I believe I've lived a full life"

María Ángeles discovered Opus Dei by chance, when a teacher at the secondary school in her village told her about the opportunity to live in a Study and Work Centre (CET). There she learnt three things above all: “First, it helped me learn to balance study and work, to make better use of my time... Then it helped me to understand what true Christian life lived with coherence really is. And the third thing I’d say, which then led to discovering my vocation, was discovering Opus Dei from the inside.”

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Kele, Argentina: "It's a gift from God to be able to enjoy what you have chosen"

Kele studied to be a gastronomy assistant and nutritionist. When she met Opus Dei, she says, "it was a real discovery, because I didn't know that, quite naturally, I could bring God into my things," even "outings I'd go on with friends."

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Renata, Brazil: "God is calling me in the world, and that's where I find my vocation"

Biomedical scientist Renata Silvestre describes how her vocation is intertwined with her work in advanced cell therapy, battling cancer while living the spirit of Opus Dei in her daily life. In her story, science and faith are both sources of inspiration and reasons for commitment.

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Mercedes and Concha, Spain: "We always had the support we needed to take care of our brothers"

Mercedes and Concha are sisters and both are assistant numeraries. After many years of working in the administration of Opus Dei centres, they now dedicate themselves to caring for their brothers, who suffer from spastic paraplegia, and to carrying out apostolic activities in places on the Levantine coast, including Gandía and Alzira. This is a conversation between the two sisters.

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Lidia, Bolivia: "I asked to join the Work and they said no"

My name is Juana Lidia Quispe Maita. I am from the community of Copachilaia. From my community, you can see Lake Titicaca, which is 4000 metres above sea level, and I am an assistant numerary of Opus Dei. I am here for a while looking after my mother, who is alone. I accompany her, take care of her, and help her with whatever she needs. And from time to time I go to the city.

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Mariana, Argentina: "Following your conscience is the best thing for a healthy institution"

Mariana, originally from Salta, studied Social Communication and worked as a photographer, but currently works as a gardener. For her, her professional work is a space in which she can meet God in every situation. She also looks after her mother, who has been bedridden since suffering a stroke two years ago.

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