Dear Dora, Many Thanks!
As a custom, I usually check the Opus Dei website to see if there is any new material I can pray with, or any piece of news to keep me informed. One day I read the news that the Prelate of Opus Dei was asking for testimonies of favors received through the intercession of Dora del Hoyo. I had no idea who Dora del Hoyo even was.
Small - and Not So Small - Favors
I would like to describe a couple favors I've received. The first one was finding 20€ that I thought I had lost, and which appeared under a Dora del Hoyo prayer card. Since then, we've experienced many favors.
Finding a Lost File
I needed to find a presentation that I had prepared the year before in order to give a course of Christian formation. I looked through all the documents saved on my computer, but I couldn't find it. I decided to turn to Dora, and I prayed, "Dear Dora, you know how much I need this presentation - help me find this."
While Teaching a Class on Ice Cream
I teach baking and confectionary classes at an institute, and I pray to Dora for favors daily, asking for little things, especially because she knows this field well and she always helps me. One time in particular in which I noted her intercession happened when I was teaching a class about ice cream.
Getting Home on Time
Here is a favor that I attribute to the intercession of Dora del Hoyo. My daughter was very unwell one day. She lives far away from me, and she needed her husband to come home early, if possible, or on time from work, but he had an important task he had to complete.
As Good as New
I thought I had ruined a delicate, expensive, and important fabric. I prayed to Dora while trying everything I could to repair the damage - and voila! It's as good as new!
I Was Encouraged to Ask Dora
A few months ago I heard about all the favors that Dora del Hoyo has been doing for people. I looked into who she was and read about her life. I subscribed to the official website for her cause for canonization and was sent more information.
My Friends are Dora's friends
I've encouraged my friends to ask Dora's help and taught them how to use the prayer card and also where to write the favour once Dora granted it. Two of these friends found their cell phones, another was able to salvage her laptop after spilling tea on it, and another was able to remove a nasty stain from a silk fabric...
My Advisor
I have bad feet and a lot of arthritis, but thanks to her I now have a pair of shoes that I call my “Dora shoes” because they don’t hurt my feet. She is my advisor on these topics.
The Pain Disappeared
I read the book "Dora del Hoyo: A Lighted Lamp" almost in one-sitting after someone lent it to me. At the time, one of my daughters was suffering a lot of pain due to a kidney stone. She was home alone with her one-month old baby...