Number of articles: 4

Pedro, Argentina: "I was a numerary and I wouldn't change anything about my journey"

Pedro is an architect specialising in NGOs. He is currently studying for a master's degree in Urban Economics. He will marry Ine next May. The path of his vocational discernment brought him closer to Opus Dei, an institution to which he belonged for a few years, and which he remembers with gratitude: "I don't regret being who I am today, and I am who I am today because of the whole journey I've been on," he says.

One by One

Choosing a Spouse

A new article in the series on marriage and courtship. "If marriage were about just a man and a woman perhaps it could be entered into with less foresight, but we are marrying the father/mother of our future children."

Courtship Makes Sense

A new article in the series on the meaning of human love. "Learning to communicate joys, gratitude, and even (or especially) learning to constructively put across feelings of anger and hurt make courtship happy and fruitful and will stand a future marriage in good stead."

Engagement: Looking Forward to Marriage

First in a new series of articles on the meaning of human love. "Being engaged was certainly not what I expected. It’s a time of learning to love selflessly, to put love into the details, and to put the other person first."