Msgr. Ocáriz: "Let us thank God for Benedict XVI, a humble worker in the Lord's vineyard"
The Prelate of Opus Dei collaborated with Cardinal Ratzinger since he was appointed consultor to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1986. In this article, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz recalls the figure of the late Pope Emeritus.
"Farewell to Benedict XVI": From the Holy See Press Office
The 95-year-old Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away on Saturday at 9:34 AM in his residence at the Vatican's Mater Ecclesiae Monastery.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
A special page about the Pope Emeritus, including texts from his Magisterium and other videos and articles thanking him for his dedication and affection. The 95-year-old Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away on Saturday at 9:34 AM in his residence at the Vatican's Mater Ecclesiae Monastery.
"A great longing to be like them"
For the Solemnity of All Saints, here is a homily given by Benedict XVI on November 1, 2006.
October 22: Saint John Paul II
We offer here the homilies given by his successors at his funeral Mass, beatification Mass, and canonization.
Pope Francis' Preface for Ratzinger's Collected Works
Pope Francis has written the preface for the second volume of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's collected writings, on the theme "faith and politics."
Benedict XVI: "Teacher and friend of all those seeking the truth"
In an award ceremony for the 2017 Ratzinger Prize, Pope Francis highlighted Benedict XVI’s love for the truth. We offer our readers a free eBook with the main addresses of Benedict XVI on faith and reason, "two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth."
eBook: “Faith and Reason according to Benedict XVI”
Free eBook for downloading with several addresses on the relationship between faith and reason.
St. Josemaria's First Communion
April 23 is the 100th anniversary of St. Josemaria's First Holy Communion. A brief video about this anniversary, with words from Benedict XVI recalling his own First Holy Communion 69 years ago.
"Touched by Mary's Gaze"
A selection of passages from Pope Benedict XVI's homilies and addresses during his recent visit to Paris and Lourdes, with links to the full texts.